FDG1650 Flange Facing Machine A heavy-duty spindle designed on-site portable flange facer that can quickly re-face flanges and repair seal grooves and sealing surfaces efficiently and cost-effectively.. Facing Range: 20.0 - 65.0" Clamping Range: 20.0 - 59.0" Features: Quick set adjustable and clamping legs Swivel tool post for grooves and bevels Two mounting base unit. Download Heavy-duty spindle and bearings provide powerful and precise machining performance, designed to handle the most demanding on-site machining conditions…. Precise Body The heavy-duty spindle design provides precision machining within tight tolerances, even when used in a vertical orientation or upside down. Superior Machining It can cut “O” Ring grooves, lens ring, RTJ and other V grooves, standard and compact flange facings, weld preparations, and other surfaces. Optional heat exchanger mounting kit & back facing kit provide more flexibility in machining operations for heat exchanger tube sheets and other applications, its allow the machining of the outside diameter and back/lower face as well as the top face of a work [...]